Thursday, October 4, 2012

SHAPE Shares: Fake Weight Loss, Facebook, and More

It's Wednesday, and you know what that means: It's time for another roundup of our favorite links. And this week's a good one! Read on for the weirdest health-related links we've come across this week.

1. Facebook turns us all into jerks. The results of a new study suggest that browsing Facebook lowers our self-control. This is because we present an "enhanced version" of ourselves on the social network, acccording to the Wall Street Journal. Receiving validation of our inflated image in the form of "likes" and comments can lead to an inflated sense of self-worth. And when we have an inflated sense of self, our impulse control goes down, and we're less likely to think about the mean, aggressive, or hurtful things we post. Yikes.

2. Facebook stalking your ex is also a bad idea. We've all been guilty of it once or twice. Yet another study suggests that stalking your ex makes him appear more attractive and sexy, and makes you feel bad. On second thought, we probably didn't need a study to tell us that.

3. Those Christina Aguilera quotes about being a "fat girl" that went viral? Fake! On Monday, two quotes in which Christina Aguilera was reported to have embraced being a "fat girl" were cited in a US Weekly magazine. Quickly going viral, they were republished and disseminated by users, editors, and bloggers all over the Internet. However, X-tina's rep denies that she star ever said them, and indeed, they don't appear anywhere in the Billboard magazine profile they supposedly originated from.

4. Elsewhere on the Internet, a woman made up an entire weight-loss story. Blogger Cassey, who runs Blogilates, recently ran a contest encouraging her readers to tweet or send her a photo that could make her say, "OMG!" and tag it "OMGOctober" with the promise of a free fitness journal and calendar to the winner. After selecting the winner, a reader named Hannah who who sent Cassey photos to illustrate that she had lost 120 pounds, Cassey realized something didn't add up. Turns out Hannah was a fake who was using other people's photos without their permission.

5. Wisconsin news anchor is called fat. Her reaction? Responding to the bully on air. On Tuesday, Wisconsin TV anchor Jennifer Livingston received an email from a reader chiding her for not taking responsibility for being obese. In response, Livingston addressed the reader who sent the email in a segment that's since gone viral. Check out her full response here and then let us know what you think!



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